Cases for meeting Dr Bin Xu and Dr Ronald Ghossein
Dr Bin Xu
Case 1. 68-year-old male, 3.5 cm left retromandibular mass. Negative for HHF35, MDM2, CDK4, desmin, S100, SOX10, CAM5.2, and pan-cytokeratin, diagnosed as spindle cell sarcoma, NOS at two tertiary centers. Next generation sequencing shows BRAF V600E, TERT promoter, and PTEN mutations. Patient has a remote history of papillary thyroid carcinoma s/p total thyroidectomy and RAI 17 years ago.
Case 2. 17-year-old boy, neck swelling. MXD4::NUTM1 fusion
Case 3. 15-year-old girl, 4-month history of rapid enlarging thyroid mass (3.8 cm). Positive for: HMWCK, Synaptophysin (patchy), CD56 (patchy), p63, CKIT and CD5, negative for NUT, thyroglobulin, calcitonin, TdT, PTH, chromogranin, CEA, S100, desmin, WT-1, myogenin, and myoD1.
Case 5. 43-year-old female, 4.4 cm thyroid mass. She developed lung metastasis in 1 year. RBM10::TFE3 fusion
Dr Ronald Ghossein
Case 8. 37 year old female with a right thyroid nodule. FNA: “Benign”
UK Endocrine Pathology Society
Case 1. 22/22652. Female 17y old. Right thyroid nodule. FNA Thy4.
Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Case 2. 22/24518. Male 52y old. Left thyroid nodule. FNA x2 Thy1.
2a Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
2b Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Case 3. CH 34178/22. Male 53 years old. 2WW referral with solitary thyroid nodule and unexplained hoarseness of voice change and dysphagia. O/E left thyroid nodule, no lymphadenopathy. US showed two nodules in the left lobe of the thyroid, both were well defined and mildly hypoechoic (U4- suspicious), Thy 3f cytology
H+ E Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Ki67 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Chromogranin Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Calcitonin Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
TTF 1 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
CD56 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
TG Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
PAX 8 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Case 4. 22/1421. Female 69. Left thyroid nodule. U3/U4
Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Case 5. CH 2651/22. 77y old female, right U3 Thy 4 thyroid nodule. Thyrotoxic. Right thyroid lobe 55x30x24mm with isthmus. Well circumscribed nodule with fairly homogeneous yellow cut surface with thin capsule maximally 30mm in size
H+E Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
CD56 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
HBME1 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Case 6. CH 13674/22. 56 year old female, left sided thyroid nodule for 4 years as T3 toxicosis. US MNG & dominant left lobe nodule which increased in size slightly. Thy 2 cytology x2
7a. Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
7b. Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Case 7. 22/15239. 64 year male. Right thyroid nodule. FNA Thy 3a. ?Hashimoto's thyroiditis.
Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Case 8. 53 year old female, previous L lobectomy for benign disease 15 y ago. Now Thy 3a nodule in right lobe. R. hemithyroidectomy 30x28mm circumscribed white nodule. Background thyroid shows few goitrous nodules. Other relevant IHC; negative for calcitonin, CEA, CD34, SMA, desmin & S100.
H+E Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
H+E Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
PAX 8 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
TTF 1 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
Thyroglobulin Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
MIB 1 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds
AE1/AE3 Slide Viewer | Virtual Pathology at the University of Leeds